Shredding Credit Card Ofers while a Blow Job is Happening (2012)

Shredding Credit Card Offers While a Blow Job is Happening. Written by Margie Schnibbe and performed with Kate Gilbert & Gregory Barnett @ Blackbox January 2012. Organized by The Action Bureau @ Black Box by Liz Glynn for the Getty Museum's Pacific Standard Time. Photographs by Calvin Lee

This is a screenshot of the Action Bureau's Tumblr page documenting our performance. These images appeared on the Action Bureau's Tumblr for many years until the page was censored by Tumblr in 2019. 

read the perfomance text here
Margie Schnibbe Gregory Barnett Kate Gilbert
see more blackbox photos on Liz Glynn's website
purchase the PST LA 2012 catalog here
contact margie